Dhanur masa Giri Pradakshinam

Worshipping of Lord Vishnu during the early morning hours in Dhanurmasa is considered highly auspicious. Vishnu Sahasranama is chanted during the period. According to the reports DhanurMasa is not an independent month in any Indian calendar except for the Malayalam calendar followed in Kerala – in this calendar the month during the period is known as Dhanu Masam.

The month December-January derives its name from the star Mrigasirsha occurring on or immediately after the month’s Pournami (Purnima – full moon). It is also known as Dhanur masa since during this month the sun transits through Dhanur rasi (Sagittarius).Vedas and agamas say mornings in this month are ideal for worship of the Lord. Krishna underlines its special nature by saying in Bhagavad Gita that among months he is Mrigasirsha.In temples all over India during this month there is special pre-dawn worship. Since this month is set apart for worship, marriages and other such functions are not performed in Dhanur masam .

It is considered to be high auspicious to worship Siva and the devotees go to the temple before sunrise for ‘darshan’. Apart from the worship in the Siva temple, there is a celebration in the houses.

The day of Ar(u)dra star ( thiruvathirai) in the month of Dhanurmasam /markazhi in Dec-Jan is of specialsignificance in Shiva temples.

Devotees assemble at 5.30 a.m. and go around the streets chanting Taitriya Upanishad. This practice started in the year 1943 and continues with added enthusiasm and vigour. Today around 100 devotees participate in the Giri Pradakshinam daily during Dhanur Masam. It is a divine sight to see and hear the Vedic chants reverberating the streets of Matunga.