Saktam – Devi
Saktham is the cult of worshipping Mother Goddess. For our comfort, God is a form of Nature and a mother. Every mother is a living God. “Mathru Devo Bhava” refers to mother as a pratyaksha daivam. Vedas, which are equal to a mother in teaching us good, speak in volumes of the meritorious results one achieves by rendering service at the feet of one’s own mother. Don’t we say that behind a man’s success, there is a woman.
According to Devi Bhagavatham, she is Para Sakti – she is the cause of all creation. She alone appears as matter and energy. The sweets made of sugar, flour and ghee appear different in name and form but are constituted of the same substances. So too, is this world of names and forms, imagined in Brahma Sakti (Power of the Absolute,. With Brahma the creator, she is Saraswathi the complimentary intelligence; with Vishnu the preserver, she is Lakshmi. As Kali she is the embodiment of time).

Sutasamhita says: “Sarvam vyaktam Uma Rupam.” All that is manifest are Her forms. Sankara in Soundarya Lahiri has said that Siva is capable of creating this world only when he is union with Uma or Parvathi. “Uma” is “A” “U” “M” of Om re-aligned. When we open our mouth we start with “Aa” & when we close its “ma”; all that’s in between is “oo” – representing her as the sristi-stiti-laya karani, Omkara Swaroopini.
What is in the macro, is what is in the micro. Scientific theory states that vibration was the cause of creation. Vibration itself is dance. The dance of Shabdam (sound) is Music; the dance of Rupam (Form) is Natyam. The Earth, Sun, Moon, Stars and Planets are in continuous rotation and revolution dance. The protons and electrons within the smallest of the small atom are dancing at an amazing speed. If this dance were not to happen, they wouldn’t form an atom. In us, parts of Parasakti such as body, mind, intellect, ahankara are all dancing. If any of these or Her creation is abused by man, it will lead to his destruction. If on the contrary, he having complete control over his faculties uses them and the creation for good causes, will be protected by Her grace.
If we think of Her we will not only be avoiding doing wrong but also be fed by Her with the milk of Jnana. Kenoupanishad narrates how Devi pointed to Indra that the power behind their power was Brahman. She taught the Gods to be free from ego and individuality.
Adi Sankara has sung several Slokas in praise of Devi in different forms.
Navavarna Puja is conducted in an elaborate manner every Tuesday, Friday, Amavasya, Pournami (Poornima) days throughout the year. The Beauty of Goddess fills the heart of the devotees. Both Vasantha Navaratri and Sharada Navaratri is celebrated with grandeur in our temple in praise of the Goddess. Navavarna Puja is also conducted on all days during the month of Aadi. (Middle of July to Middle of August).