The Suryanamaskara or offering prostrations to the Sun, to be practiced in the early morning or evening, facing the Sun. The Sun is supposed to be the deity for health and long life. The genius of the Indian Sage has, in the Suryanamaskara Exercise, evolved a unique method of effecting perfect synthesis of culture of body, mind and spirit. With his intuitive insight into the nature of the mass mind, the Indian Sage has cleverly woven into every man’s daily routine this unparalleled system of all-round self-culture.
A harmonious development of the body and mind alone can enable man to fulfil his ambitions and live a fruitful and happy life here in this world. When you practice the Sun Salutation regularly, you notice some exceptional benefits all over your body. The intense and powerful asanas in the practice have an incredible impact on the stomach, liver, heart, intestines, chest, throat, and legs, which means the whole body from head to toe is benefited. The Sun Salutation also improves and enhances blood circulation throughout the body, and this ensures the proper functioning of the bowels, the stomach, and the nerve centers. When you practice this routine every day, the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are also balanced.

Suryanamaskara is combined process of Yoga Asanas and Pranayama (Yogic postures and regulated breathing). Before students take up the practice of more complicated and difficult Yogic postures and exercises in Pranayama, the spine and body muscles should acquire some flexibility. This exercise of Suryanamaskara reduces abdominal fat, brings flexibility to the spine and limbs, and also increases the breathing capacity.
A single round of Surya Namaskaras helps you burn up to 13 calories for someone who is of average weight. With this as a primary benchmark, you can decide how many sets to do. With practice, you should ideally be able to do 108. And as you strive to reach that number, you will automatically become fit and toned.
At Every Sunday morning Suryanamaskaram is performed in the main hall of Sri Sankara Maatham temple attended by about 50 devotees. During Mandalavaram, Suryanamaskaram is performed on all the 41 days in the morning. During Sankara Jayanthi Celebrations also Suryanamaskarams is performed on all the 11 days.